4th axis error

Home Forums TinyG TinyG Support 4th axis error

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  • #9499

    I have been trying to add a 4th axis to my shapeoko but when i try to move the 4th motor with a g0 commmand the tinyg stops responding. I have mapped the 4th motor to the z axis and it moves fine. so I changed it back to $4ma=3 for the a axis. and i tried to move the motor in coolterm and i get these 2 errors

    {“er”:{“fb”:440.20,”st”:31,”msg”:”Move time is NAN”}}
    {“er”:{“fb”:440.20,”st”:28,”msg”:”Failed to get planner buffer”}}

    Has anyone else encountered this problem?

    my A axis settings are those recommended on the wiki

    Thank you


    Post a copy of your parameter set ($$) to a cloud drive and provide a URL here, along with the specific G0 command you are trying

    You will find the secret decoder ring for status messages here:

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by cmcgrath5035.

    I took a closer look at my settings this weekend and compared them to what is available on https://github.com/synthetos/TinyG/wiki/TinyG-Shapeoko-Setup I found I set $aam=3 radius mode. Once I change it back to $aam=1 standard mode the motor functioned appropriately.Thanks for taking a look at my problem CMC

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