440.16 Firmware still having arc issues

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    Running into G2/G3 arc issues on both 440.14 and the new 440.16 firmware. Getting runaway cutting as well as improper cutting and random circles being cut during certain moves. Anyone else still having problems or know of a solution?


    Can you identify what CAM package created your Gcode?
    There may be a tweak required to the back end processor, if one exists.

    Uploading your Gcode to a cloud drive and posting a link may also be helpful in diagnosing the issue.

    Some CAM packages generate very aggressive arc Gcode that has been problematic for tinyG.

    Running in mm mode, if your are not already, may help


    I used makercam for gcode generation and tool paths. Have always used that bc im doing pretty simple 2D cuts. I was running in inch mode with a piece created in inches. Did everything over again in MM and it did the exact same thing as before. Below is a link to the video of whats going on as well as dropbox of the gcode files and snapsots of the code sections where they are going wrong.



    E circular cut error


    Thanks, good data set for review.
    Nothing obvious on quick review, passed on to Devs


    Thanks for the heads up. I have a number of changes/fixes I made to arcs in the g2 branch that have not made it back into the main branch yet. I will pick this up ASAP. I will be traveling for the next few days, so I expect to get to this late in the week / weekend.


    I did some experimentation this evening and think I have located the source of the wandering arc. Line 163 in sullycut (my numbering, not Chilipeppr’s – which are close but not exactly the same) has a huge I offset that I don’t think was being handled correctly.

    N163 G2 X1.0224 Y3.869 I1244889.1849 J0.537

    If you are so inclined you can use following hex, or compile from the github branch edge-441-arc.

    Please be advised that this has not been fully tested yet for any side effects or regressions. But if you would like to test I would appreciate any feedback. As I said in my earlier post – I will be traveling this week but should get back to this late in the week and over the weekend.


    I run on a Mac so the only method of updating ive ever had any success with is the tinyg updater. Currently only 440.17 is available there. Though it looks the only fixes there was the reset issue. I can add another file that created a circle mid cut as well if you need it and pinpoint the area that it went wrong.


    Yes, please do post the other file. This will help test.


    I added two files. Averygcode, which is the entire cut sequence which did fine until it got to the inner cut of the letter V starting from the base os the V where it was supposed to make the cut up the right it triggered a very large circle. I caught this one and stopped it before it could ruin the entire piece and cut the rest of the V by hand. See the AveryV code set for the error isolated into its own code. I remade just the inner cut of the V and the final round profile to see if that solved my problem but it gave me the exact same result. Also see the ECIRCLEERROR file for that code singled out. That goes along with the jpeg of the circular cut around the capital E with the circle starting on the bottom leg of the E moving counter clockwise.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by wephotography.

    See the snapshot for the gcode area triggering the circle cut on the capital letter E. Between lines 503-515 in chillipeppr. I updated to 440.17 as well.


    Also for what its worth prior to the recent changes to chillipeppr that forced me to do fw updates i was running 380.08 build with zero issues.


    Thanks for posting. I am away from my setup today but will get to these later this week.


    I’ve had a chance to test averyV in 440.17 and in edge-441-arc. It fails as you said in 440.17 and looks to be OK in the edge-441.arc branch. If you have a chance can you run the jobs to verify?

    441 should be available here:

    Which means it should work with the updater.


    Got the new firmware loaded. It actually seems to be worse than before. I ran the code that was just the inner cut of the V in averygcode and it didnt even cut the whole V, just ran the top left corner. Seems to have inaccurately cut that part as well. Uploading two videos now of what it did.

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