2 motors move when commanding only 1

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    I have 3 stepper motors connected individually to motor drivers 1 2 3. When I try to move only motor 2, I send G0 Y100 and the motors connected to drivers 2 AND 3 both move. Furthermore, when I send G0 Z100, none of the motors move (same for G0 A100). Even when I don’t have any of the motors connected, the LEDs indicate the same events are occurring. Motor driver 1 works fine. Motor 2 and 3 LEDs light up when command is sent for motor 2 to move. No LED reaction from motor drivers 3 or 4. It seems like this is a hardware malfunction to me, but please correct me if I’m wrong.

    The TinyG has the latest firmware version 440.20. Please let me know if there is any other information I should provide to help solve to this issue.


    Please post your settings (Result of $$ command) to a cloud drive and post a URL here.
    Sounds like a settings issue.

    WHat do you use to communicate with tinyG? (CoolTerm, Chilipeppr, etc.)?



    I’m using CoolTerm.

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by terian101.

    You have M1 mapped to X
    You have M2 and M3 mapped to Y
    You have M4 mapped to Z

    Key parameter is $_ma, _ = 1,2,3,4

    tinyG wiki is here

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