1st Motor Driver Appears Failed

Home Forums TinyG TinyG Support 1st Motor Driver Appears Failed

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  • #5397

    Hi All, Halfway through a project my 1st stepper motor cut out and now won’t come back to life. I plugged a stepper in that was on the shelf and it won’t work either.

    I then mapped the 4th motor to that axis and that works fine. I also reflashed TinyG and that didn’t help.

    Checked it with the meter and there doesn’t appear to be much life coming from the 4 pins, but checked pre the driver and there is activity.

    Is there more I can do to troubleshoot the board, the stepper is a nema23 that has worked fine up till now. PSU is 25V 6a. TinyG has a massive fan pointed at the underside, and is in its own case so it is away from dust/shards/coolant.

    I checked the controller temp with my ir thermometer and it is sitting at 23 degrees Celsius, stepper is running at 23.5 so heat isn’t an issue.

    The pot is sitting at about 3/4 power.

    Anything I could be over looking?

    I checked the config through the terminal, all seems good and like I said, swapping the axis and motor to the 4th driver works fine.




    Try restoring the defaults. $defa=1 will do it. Lets see if something got messed up.



    Unfortunately that didn’t help. Does it sound like my TinyG is faulty?

    The logistics of this is going to suck the big one if it is, I already copped a $50 shipping charge to get it to Australia. Wondering if it would be easier to just use a 3rd party driver instead, any recommendations? I was hoping at some point to do this anyhow so I could run two ball screws on my gantry to reduce lateral play.

    I followed the documentation to the tee, and I double check it all tonight, everything is wired correctly. The only thing different is I reversed the polarity of my x and y steppers so the arrow keys on the keyboard match the movement of the table, but this is irrelevant. PSU is 24v 10a, limit switches are passive. Board is cooled with a larger than required fan.



    Lets continue via email. Email customerservices@synthetos.com and we can continue.



    I finally got around to emailing this link and it didn’t work, is there a typo?

    5.1.0 – Unknown address error 550-‘No Such User Here”‘


    Its just customerservice@synthetos.com
    no “s” at the end of service..

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