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MemberJRDM – I experience the same thing with my tinyG in that tgFX does not find my tinyG and I have to cut power to it to reset it and then tgFX finds it ok after that and I do not loose any parameters.
MemberThanks for your review.. I have heat sinks and two fans installed, one blowing directly down on the board and one blowing across the board as I have 3D printed a stand that suspends my tingG controller up 1 1/2″ in my enclosure so I don’t believe heat is an issue. As far as tweaking the currents, I did try that after reading through this thread and did some more testing but still encountered the drifting. I am hoping Alden makes 426.02 available soon as I have a few jobs backed up waiting to be milled. I will try 380.08 again with the build 3009 of tgFX see if that helps.
Thanks you again for your support…
MemberThanks for the reply..
To address your questions:
When I tested with tinyG V380.08 I installed tgFX Build 2072 I then had the issues with the motors and reverted back to tinyG V412.01 and tgFX Build 3256
Here are my tinyG settings:
I have tested 2 post processors with aspire that I received in this forum one was for standard gCode and the other with ARC. Here are my gCode files :
Standard gCode:
ARC gcode: of these still had the drifting issue when attempting to run the jobs.
The circle was approximately 9″ in Diameter.
When using GRBL the jobs ran perfectly as I ran multiple of these signs for gifts..The reason for me changing from GRBL is my Z Axis driver on the GRBL shield failed so I thought I would take my chances with tinyG …
Thanks for reviewing this issue it sounded like the same thing to me…but can open a new thread in this Forum if needed.
Memberalso wanted to add that I am using a new V8 of tinyG which had 412.01 loaded on it already. I attempted to load 380.08 which loaded fine and after making all my settings for my shapeoko 2 the motors would not function just sit and hum with the 412.01 motors run fine, I don’t understand the issue there but I am back on 412.01 now. Very Frustrating ..
MemberI am very interested in this issue as I have just setup my Shapeoko 2 with the tinyG controller replacing my GRBL controller and I am seeing this drift issue in both the +-X and +-Y axis and by my measurement it is up to 7mm of drift. I am milling a larger circular object and on each clearing pass the drift happens and the circle is offset. I use Vectric Aspire to generate my tool paths and am running Firmware V412.01 on my tinyG using tgfx to stream my gcode.
MemberSaci…Thank you very much I just put an order in for tinyG now that i have these post processors that was the only thing that was holding me back from ordering…..I can’t wait to get this all setup now….