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Memberin summary what I asked is are you sure the way you told me to hook the Tinyg to the Driver is correct? its neither active low or high, its a combination of both. also How is it possible to post a photo in this forum? I can post Youtube videos but nt a photo or a link. if I try to add any link the post never posts it returns a black screen.
MemberI think I may of found a problem. I measured the pins (I dont know what you call these pins, the holes above Motor 1 2 3 & 4., but the holes on my board have now pin headers installed, and I measured these pins with a voltmeter. The 3.3V measured 3.4v dc so we are good. the Enable pin also rests at 3.4V so this could be my problem.
“Connect Enable[bar] to ENA – on the DM556
Connect Step- and Dir- on the DM556 to tinyG Gnd (not DM556 GND)
Connect ENA+ on the DM556 to the 3.3V lead on J17”Not Sure what “[bar] is, is it typo? Or, there is a little Bar line above Enable on the PCB. Anyways if the Enable pin on the DM556 is Active Low and we are sending 3.3V to ENA+ because its hooked to 3.3v on the tinyG and DM556 ENA- is hooked to the Enable of the tinyG resting at 3.3v this is an issue, no? Our enable circuit on the DM556 is 3.3V on both the negative and positive.
I am not sure how the controller works, if in fact it rests as a closed circuit and needs a signal to open the connection between the stepper coils to unlock it, this may very well be the problem. What do you think?
I am not going to mess with this until I hear from you.
MemberI checked all the connections and they are connected via the exact instructions you gave and Nadda. Note, With all of the signal connections unplugged, and only the A1 A2, B1 B2 (stepper coils), Vcc and GND connected vathe stepper driver the Motor is locked in place when I power up.
So I want to go over a few things so they are clear to me.
The Tiny G connections
3.3V is obvious (its 3.3v constant? and this is where I could hook a voltage translator to step up to 5V to drive the stepper driver with the correct voltage?)Enable (bar, what is bar?) This must be a GND signal as you had me hook it to the ENA- side on the DM556.
Direction This must be a Positive Voltage signal as you had me hook it to the Dir + on the DM556
Step This must also be a Positive Voltage signal as you had me hook that to the Pul+ (aka Step +)
GND This pin must supply a GND signal as you had me hook it to both the Pul- (aka Step-) and the Dir-.
I did verify that the Motor Timeout Idle is set to 2 seconds, this says to me that there is a signal for 2 seconds telling the Stepper driver to lock the motor in place for 2 seconds then go to idle and turn off the signal that energizes the coils of the stepper motor.
While doing some research on stepper drivers and connections I see there are Two typical setups Common Anode (active low) and Common Cathode (active high). the Active low setup sends voltage from VCC to ENA+ DIR+ PUL+ and looks for negative signals to ENA- DIR- Pul- from the driver board (arduino/Rambo,gShield…ect) to complete the circuit.
On Active High ENA- DIR- Pul- all rest at GND and wait for a Positive signal ENA+ DIR+ PUL+ from the control board (Arduino,Rambo,gShield,ect….) to complete the circuit.
How is the tinyG setup? I am a little confused how the signals leave the pins.You had me use the Enable as – (negative signal) and Direction and Step as + (positive signals).
One would assume that the Enable, Direction, Step would be GND signals (but my assumptions are ALWAYS wrong)… Now I am curious, I am going to use my meter and see what what is what.
Thanks again. Tom
MemberI hooked up/set everything everything as you described.
in the description you said “Connect Step- and Dir- on the DM556 to tinyG Gnd (not DM556 GND)” on the controller it does not say Step -, it says (Pul-) Pul, I assumed that Step- = Pul-. I connected a loop from Pul- to Dir- and then connected GND Pin from the connections above Motor 1 (3-3v,enable,direction,step, and GND<—— (connection to Dir- looped to Pul-)The bad news is this driver does not work, in fact the motor is locked in place as soon as I power up the Stepper driver and the motor is getting warm/but not too hot that you cant touch it). This leads me to believe that I have a connection wrong. The quest continues
Memberis A1=A+ A2=A- ect…
Also how do you post a link here? I found the manual but when I try to post the link the post never shows up. I even used the BBL Link code
MemberDo you have an definitive imAge thAt clearly shows the pulse dir and enable pins. I see several images but everything is blurry or not defined. I see some that show grabbing voltage at the caps (next to the pots). i just need clear definition of where exactly I am supposed to grab specific connections.
I have Pul+ (5-24v) and I know its 3.5v on the tinyG so I hope that still works. So Do I still use the Pul- Negative? Then there is Dir + (5-24v) and Dir -, Ena+ and Ena-. I understand where the servo coils go as the V+ and Gnd -.
The board has
(Motor 1 3.3v 50ma)
GndIts obvious I don’t use all 5 connections on my Stepper driver.
Where exactly do I connect which connection?
There is so much information, I dont know what is right and what is wrong)
Can you spoon feed me the correct connections please?
MemberLooks like you have dived deep into setting up the tinyG to drive bigger steppers in the past. If I had a diagram and parts list of what I needed, it would be amazing. Fumbling blindly along is really a pita and has be almost to the point of gutting this whole setup and going witj Arduino and stepper drivers.
MemberWell Crap! The ones you posted a link for, the DM556 say they want 5v PUL (pluse). Its my fault for jumping the gun and not researching WTF I am working with here.
I guess I can hook them up and see if they will work. I guess its time to do some soldering. GRRrrr!
MemberI hope the ones you linked on Amazon work as I bought 2 of them.
MemberI am tired of messing around, I just bought 2 of those drivers, one for x and one for y. Anything specific to the wiring I need to know? I assume, power the drivers, hook stepper to driver, and send signal to the driver from the tiny G?
MemberI did change the jerk settings and ot works until rapids are called for then the darn thing just cant keep up and everything becomes all messed up. Is there a specific driver that works well with a tiny G that you can recommend?
MemberI am using 24V (25.6v 6a)
MemberI ordered shielded cables for my micro/homing switches. Im still having problems where the logos and such will not line up. Its definitely on the X Axis. On Cut speeds it seems to be fine, the rapids it looses its place. Letters sill stack up. I see the GUI showing the head position should be moving horizontally, bit it isn’t keeping up. Once it starts the cut, go speeds, its working ok.
So I looked at buying new steppers, and I come to realize these are Nema 34 motors. Can the TinyG even handle that big of a motor?
MemberGood news is the machine seems to be working a little better. I want to work on the homing switches for at least the Z axis. I remember you saying that the homing switch wires need to be shielded as normal wire is very susceptible to RF noise?
What wire should I use? Thanks for all your help. T
MemberThe pots we’re about 3/4 but I backed them down becuase the machine was growling, now it’s way more quiet.
When I reached out to John, I did try his recommendation, but I guess I didn’t go low enough. I am set at 800 on XVM and YVM and the logo looks like it should.
What do I need to change to set up the actual speeds. The machine runs super slow. I don’t always want to run at blazing speeds, but the base feedrate is very slow. Both GO and GOO are at a snail’s pace.
Good news I can make a logo,
Lol -