TinyG skipping gcode lines

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    Tinyg 378.10 firmware
    TgFx build 2012 64 bit windows

    Any idea why TinyG would “randomly” skip/miss lines in the gcode??
    Its happens maybe 5 out of the 20 times I’ve run that test program. Luckily it was a test or this malfunction would have damaged the parts costing roughly $30 USD each time it misses which adds up quickly.
    In this picture you can see the Tgfx graph and how the first time I ran the test program it missed a few points (circled in red).
    It missed 4 points and skipped 6 lines of gcode but then I immediately pressed the run button again and it got them all perfectly..


    Sorry to hear are having issues. I would need to see your gcode files. Also, you should read the Readme.md if you have not had a chance.


    It pretty much spells out that tgFX is under development. If you are doing any jobs that are $$$ you are better off not using tgFX to avoid the mistakes you bring up.

    Coolterm + XON send file works 100% of the time right now. However you do not get the stop pause resume stuff.

    Attach your gcode I will take a look. Also, can you give me your build number? Are you running a binary that I packaged or is this straight from netbeans? Also, reset your board while connected to coolterm and paste in what comes back.



    $ex was set to “0” would that matter? (and I thought default was supposed to be “1”) I didn’t change it to 0..Does TgFx use it? or change it?

    I’m running the “tgfx_windows-x64 v.95 – build 2012.exe” from that dropbox download site you have set up. I’ve never had a netbeans before? are they tasty? (bad attempt at humor)

    Coolterm + XON worked prefectly..well so far (I ran the gcode 10 times anyways with no issues at all)

    Gcode is here. (note my machine is X/Y axis only with a pneumatic cylinder being triggered with the coolant pin)
    TinyG Config is here.
    This is what comes back when I reset the board with coolterm connected.

    And my main goal is to run TinyG with Matt Stocks Android app and I have been talking with him and having him send apk files for testing,etc.. and I had similar problems with that and thought I’d give TgFx a try to see if the problems were with the app or TinyG and it “seems” that since the issues are showing up with both the app and TgFx that something about TinyG is to blame… Just trying to help as much as a non-java programmer can.


    The fact that it runs fine from Coolterm indicates that TinyG is working OK. I suspect something in the communications is not working from the apps. Let’s continue to diagnose this.


    Just let me know what I can do to assist in this… I really need something besides coolterm to reliably send code.

    Should $ex be set to 1 as default.. Does TgFx use it?
    Prior to trying coolterm per Riley’s suggestion $ex was = 0 (loaded like that by default which I thought your wiki says it should be 1 by default)


    oh ok found out that Matts app was turning it off.. But does TgFx use/need it on?


    tgFX turns XON off too, as we use byte counting in the serial buffer to address this. Also, I would try turning off your cylinder and running the job in tgFX. I would like to verify that it is not noise.



    Oh ok I did not read your first post. 2 things. One is your firmware has a bug in it. We have identified that (the ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,qr’s on reset) so you should get a new version. I would recommend the hex file that is in master branch right now. We have a newer version in edge but I want to test it a bit more. So first up flash to master. Second, just for fun. Try killing all of those “;” and re-running this in tgFX. I am not sure if this is an issue but its worth testing out.

    Lets see what that does.



    I can’t really run the master build due to another bug 🙁

    M8/M9 problem??

    or maybe I don’t understand how git branches work?

    Tomorrow I have a new apk from Matt to test and try a separate power supply for the solenoids. And I’ll see what happens with that first then look to downgrading the firmware for some testing I guess. Any chance I can get a master hex file with the m8/m9 bug fixed?

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by mcgyvr.
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by mcgyvr.

    Well I ran your file and there is some very odd behavior indeed! However, I removed all of the ;’s and this is what I got.

    tgFX Running

    Looks like the is a bug in the way “;” are being handled either by tgFX or TinyG. We have to look at this one harder. However, I would suggest you NOT use files with ;’s in them for now 🙂



    Ok.. update.. Removed all the ; comments..problem still occurs, removed ALL comments..problems still occured.. Rolled back to the master build firmware and the skipping of G code lines is 100% gone.. HOWEVER I still have the problem that I talked about in another post with the stepper motors going to an “insane crazy” velocity.. WAY faster than what I have set as the velocity or feedrate maximum. It only happens on occasion and the only help I can give at this point is that it happens at the exact same time that (or a split second after) the android app finishes sending all the gcode to tinyg. (note its also happened with tgfx so its not just a Matt Stock app problem). At that time it “seems” to be attempting to finish the program but the stepper speed is so fast that its too much for my leadscrews/steppers to deal with so its a grinding noise,etc… Note that the android app has also stopped reporting velocity at that time but the positional DRO is still updating. I’ve had this exact same issue with tgfx.. Tomorrow I will run the gcode program multiple times from coolterm to see if it shows the same issue.

    Really need some help to deal with this..

    Note I’m only using simple X/Y axis G01 commands BUT I’m also using M8/M9 commands with G4 Px delays which I would expect very few if any other TinyG users are. So please keep that in mind when you think about a possible issue.
    Again ..PLEASE help. I’m getting close to the edge of sanity now..


    I am running this 370.01

    At this link:


    (right click save as)

    I removed the ;’s and I ran your file np. You could give this a shot. As far as M8 and M9 with delays. There are other (myself included) running these commands 🙂

    In your config you have your X and Y max velocity’s set to 250 Inch per min.
    Thats 6350.0mm /min …. Thats very fast for a lead screw machine. What file are you trying to send when the velocity goes crazy? Is it the same one you linked above?

    We are trying to help you. However testing and tracking down issues does not happen overnight. I realize it can be frustrating. Just please note we are working on the issue.



    sorry just frustrated.. It will run through the code a few times np too..but then boom.

    The settings I have for max velocities are fine for these. They are Haydon Kerk linear actuators rated to 20 in/sec… its just when Tinyg randomly takes them over that I’m having the problems 🙂 🙂

    File I’m now running is here.. all comments stripped.. just the M8/M9 bug workaround and some positioning steps. When the issue happens is right around line 180 on the g01 moves (cylinders always been in the up position..with the M9)

    Matt said he was going to write a little “black box” to log all the communication from tinyg/android app and hopefully we will see something odd there ..I will post that when I get it.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by mcgyvr.

    Hi. I just wanted you to know I’ve been looking into this along with Riley. We’ll get this resolved.



    Alden, (and Riley)
    I know these types of problems are virtually impossible to “internet diagnose” so I really do appreciate any help you can provide.

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