Testing Edge Builds 435.xx

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    I opened this thread to open discussion on any issues people are having with the latest edge builds – firmware build 435.xx series / firmware version 0.97

    We think this is a pretty clean build, but it (always) deserves more testing and field experience. When it shakes out it will be promoted to the master branch.

    This thread is a continuation of this other one, which is now off-topic: https://www.synthetos.com/topics/a-bad-day-in-the-shop/

    Configuration on 435.xx is documented on this wiki page: https://github.com/synthetos/TinyG/wiki/TinyG-Configuration-for-Firmware-Version-0.97

    Please list any issues you have with builds 435.xx here, or post them as issues on the github: https://github.com/synthetos/TinyG/issues




    For those considering a move to EDGE build 435.x, you will find build 435.06 on the download page at

    On Saturday, Alden posted a couple DEV builds to address issues found in early testing. The most recent, still undergoing regression testing, is here

    If you want to try 435.x, review the tail of the thread referenced above and make your own choice as to what build to try.


    I was out of town this weekend, but tested it now when I came home: Both versions .07 and .08 fix the feedrate issues. No hasted circles, no clunking noises (I believe the clunk was when it tried to drive the motor too fast).

    Now for the tests that grath asked, with versions 435.06 and .08:

    Test 1
    (machine freshly reset and at 0/0/0)
    G0 X0.8 (06: X motor does not move; 08: X moves to X0.8)
    G0 X1 (06: X moves to physical X1; 08: X moves to X1)
    G0 X0 (06: X moves to physical X0; 08: X moves to X0).

    Test 2
    (machine freshly reset and at 0/0/0)
    G0 X0.8 (06: no move; 08: X moves to X0.8)
    G1 Z-1 F100 (06: Z axis moves ok, X axis moves to X0.8; 08: Z OK, X does not move)

    So with 435.08, all tests passed 🙂

    For completeness: My config is at https://www.dropbox.com/s/0k71o83yawv33lo/tinyg-config-20140629-43506.txt . My machine is a standard Shapeoko2 setup, only visible difference are 4x NEMA23 motors with 400 steps/rev.

    PS.: I test these things as low-level as possible with coolterm or putty; I don’t use tgfx.


    Thanks for the testing. I am continuing to run tests on this. I plan to push these to edge early this coming week assuming there are no other issues that show up. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks again.

    PS – with standard shapeoko settings the G0 movement should work down to about 0.02mm

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by alden.

    I have completed some initial testing on various 2.5d and 3D milling jobs including a lot of Arcs and Z-axis movement and this build ran flawlessly. The Only issue I had was self induced, I forgot to save my settings before flashing the tinyG but got it all configured just took a little more time :).

    Thanks Alden for the great work…



    Very good. Let’s keep beating on this. Thanks for the help.


    Homing does not work on NO switches. 🙁


    Also, $me/$md don’t seem to do anything. (435.10)


    JuKu – thanks for the heads up. I’ll post these as github Issues and look into them. I may need to come back to you for settings or other information if I cannot reproduce these.

    Please post anything else you find – or just put it up as an Issue directly.


    JuKu – I have opened an issue on Github for $me / $md – let’s move the discussion there if we may:


    In short, it’s working for me. I wonder what’s different in your commands and/or setup.


    Found it. Older version of the firmware did obey $me/$md even when $_pm was set to 0. I am using a settings dump that load my settings to TinyG after firmware update; that had individual motor power managements turned off, which still allowed global power management. Sorry for the false alarm. (I updated Github also.)

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