Firmware update fail v8 board

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    I recently hooked up my TinyG v8. The stepper motors did not seem to respond correctly and at times the board was activating the Z axis when I sent a Y axis move command. The board seems to respond to firmware commands correctly but not to G code commands.
    I attempted to update the firmware but I just keep getting “verify fail”. I am using the TinyG Updater. The app can read that I have firmware 440.14 but cannot update to 440.18. I have tried manual reset to start the bootloader and automatic reset, each option several times. I also tried using the programming option from Chilipepper but continue to get the same error.

    I don’t know if it matters but the board number is 81-1485


    If you are a Windows user, most folks can’t make Updater work.

    Give this a try:


    Thank you, of course that was it. I prefer a Mac but had a PC hooked up. It is interesting that the firmware updater for Chilipeppr also failed on a PC. Thanks for the help, I searched all over the wiki but didn’t see the large warning for Windows users.


    Thanks for your confirmation.
    Most folks have had issues with the Windows version of tinyGUpdater, but at the same time most windows users of Chilipeppr SPJS based updater report success.
    What is puzzling is that both tinyGUpdater and CP-SPJS use a call into the same avrdude code,
    There is a bug crawling around in there somewhere

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