Verify error on update

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    Hello again. At long last my machine seems to be doing all the right things, but Chilipeppr tells me the firmware needs updating. I’m at 440.14 and get the dreaded verify failure.This is my 2nd TinyG & was purchased Feb 2015, so surely would be well past the 2012 problem. This doesn’t appear to be a show stopper, but I need to move my OX down to the workshop where there is no internet. Accordingly I’d like to get it set up properly first. Any clues, please?


    Carl, Trying to follow your update method, but I now have another stupid question. How do I download avrdude.conf down from your dropbox, please?


    Mouse over the URL, right click mouse, choose “Save As”.
    The file should be downloaded to your browser’s default Downloads directory.
    Move it from there to your “flash_tinyG” folder.


    mouse click over url & RH click only gives link info on my machine. Open in new tab, get redirected to dropbox. No go .
    Searched Google & came up with an answer from StackExchange. Put ?dl=1 on the end of the url & voila! The file downloaded.
    All went smoothly & I’m now on 440.18.
    Carl, Thank you very very much for all your assistance plus the behind the scenes work to put thee alternate method together.


    What I meant was Mouse hover(but not left click) then right click, but thanks for the ?dl=1 hint, that is much cleaner.

    Enjoy 440.18

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