Need help loading TinyG2 onto Arduino Due

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    I purchased a v5 gShield wanting to run TinyG2 off an Arduino Due. I am however, having a lot of difficulty in loading the firmware onto the Due.

    I used the bin (Due, Default) file here, and followed the instruction here,

    It appears to flash (connected to the Native USB port), but when I try and connect with tgFX it makes serial connection successfully but does not retrieve the TinyG driver information. In windows the connection shows up as a Bossa program port in the COM port listing.

    I am only powering the board via USB, no external power. Does this matter?

    Does the gshield need to be installed when trying to connect via tgFX? I tried this without power connected, same result.

    Could my DUE be faulty? Is there a simple way to diagnose? I am not familiar with Arduino programming at all.

    Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance


    I am pretty sure this is because the driver for the TinyG2 has not been released for Windows yet. (I tried this too) If you have a Mac based computer, it seems to work just fine (have not tried Linux). I doubt your Due is faulty. FYI: tgFX doesn’t seem to support the TinyG2 at the moment anyway, so even on OSX, it doesn’t work.

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