Motor 2 rough stepping & heating up

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    Hello. I just received my TinyG a couple of days ago, and now have it connected to a 13.5VDC power supply and some stepper motors I bought on eBay. Initially, all they would do is sit there and buzz without turning, but I lowered the max step speed and now they’re working fine. (You might add that to the “getting started” section – I kept playing with the current limiting pots and was starting to think maybe the motors were bad or incompatible before a friend suggested it might be the step speed.) The only issue I have with it right now is that while Motor 1 and Motor 3 work fine, Motor 2 is buzzing, missing steps, and heating up a bit. I’ve tried different motors, but the problem seems to be with that port. As best I can tell, I have all three ports set to the same parameters in terms of speed, acceleration, etc. Any suggestions, or do I have a bad board perhaps?


    So of course this morning I tried it and it works fine on all axes. *headdesk* Don’t know what was going on last night. Sleep deprivation, possibly.


    AHHA! Don’t hurt yourself. Good to hear its working!


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