Tgfx on beaglebone running Debian wheezy

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    I am attempting to install tgfx on my bb black running Debian wheezy. My first attempt resulted in a failure because a java virtual machine could not be found. I proceeded to install jdk1.8.0 which didn’t help. I then tried openjdk7 which got me further than before, but not I am getting an error that I am missing opt/tgfx/i386/ and then there are another dozen or so messages below that.

    I just got the beaglebone in the past week and this is my first attempt at Linux since I dabbled with a dual boot setup about 13 years ago for a few months. I am learning a lot, but am obviously still very green.

    Thoughts on what I am doing wrong?



    Hi tbeste,

    I have had the same issues on the BBB and any version of Linux for that matter. The Linux version of tgFX is just a “build” and nothing more. I made it for a few people that wanted to try it out. The only way I am able to get tgFX working on linux for now was to install netbeans and run it from netbeans. Sub-optimal on the BBB as the Netbeans overhead is really too much. So consider Linux support at the moment “sketchy”.

    You are on uncharted waters as of now. If you are able to get it working cool. Please let me know. For now I am almost positive you will need Java (oracle version) 7 that includes Javafx2 (comes with java 7 so should be bundled). From there I assume there is something messed up with the JAVA_HOME environment variable. But that is just a guess.


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