A minor homing bug in 370.08

Home Forums TinyG TinyG Support A minor homing bug in 370.08

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    I’m working on programmatically sending gcode to my TinyG, sort of similar to what vonnieda is working on in the thread
    “Wait for command to finish”. Basically my program generates a line of gcode, sends it to the TinyG, and waits for the response prompt.

    I’m working in inches, so the default response prompt should be:

    tinyg [inch] ok>

    For the most part things are working, but when I issue a homing command (“g28.2 x0 y0 z0”) I get back:

    tinyg [mm] ok>

    This looks like it’s a cosmetic error — the TinyG does actually stay in inches, and subsequent response prompts are back to the normal “[inch]”.

    For now I can code around this bug, but thought you guys should be aware of it.



    Weird.  I will verify this bug.  However, I would suggest you open an issue on github.


    That being said if you are sending gcode programmatically you should NOT be using text mode.  JSON mode was made to talk to UI’s/computers via programs.  I would suggest you reading this and working JSON into your work flow.






    Thanks for the JSON tip. I’ll check it out.


    I’ll also open incidents at github from now on.


    Thanks again.

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