Swap out drv8811

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    Without ripping the heat sinks off, am I right in thinking that the v6 boards have the drv8811 ti parts and the v7 boards have the drv8818 part?

    A quick scan of the spec shows these devices are pin for pin compatible. Is there any reason why I couldn’t swap out these parts for the new ones so I can also benefit from the lower on resistance. Are there any code differences?




    Well the short answer is “are you crazy?!” 🙂  The chips are pretty hard to remove let alone solder.  The thermal pad (look at the holes on the bottom of the board) are very very hard to remove.  If you do this mod, you are pretty much on your own support wise.  YES, the chips are pin compatibles.  I do recognize that its easy for me to say “buy a v7” but really unless you really have literally expert soldering skills I would avoid this venture.

    Hope that helps / discourages / encourages  you.




    Actually I wouldn’t use a soldering iron at all. I would use a sm reworking hot air gun we have at work. The only real issue is then not removing the components next to the driver.

    I do realise it isn’t a simple task. But we have people that do this kind of thing often enough that it isn’t impossible. As long as the new devices will simply work I would be interested in trying. Actually, i’d get the professionals to try for me! I’ve got three samples turning up from ti, so I”ve got a few days to think about it.



    Good luck man.  I hope it all goes well!



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