Board gone silent :(

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  • #4002

    So I’ve been running with 3 steppers connected to the tinyg (tinyg-23 v7 bios 0.95) though not connected to any machinery. Tests have been running nicely with steppers whizzing around as they should.

    Just now I got my first stepper in place actually hooked up to the CNC y axis and also hooked up y axis min & max switches.

    Fired it up, board went silent 🙁 blue power LED is on, red led flickers when I send characters, but never any response (testing using cutecom). Reset pokings and power cyclings have produced no change 🙁 Have disconnected all the new hardware.

    What next? Reflash BIOS? (I do have a programmer)




    OK, I got AVRStudio 4, and successfully flashed bootloader and tinyg sw. The board is back!!!!! YAY!!

    Tomorrow I try to work out what I did wrong. Any ideas what might have caused this???????? ;P

    btw: I have the node s/w in a repository now, just gimme a couple more days to make it presentable and I’ll send a link. 🙂

    link nits:

    links to deprecated wiki from website, no obvious links from new wiki to instructions on flashing tinyg software (expect that contained in bootloader instructions), or direct link to tinyg.hex. I was able to find everything in a few mins, but it could be nicer. 🙂


    Hi Aprice,

    What is a
    node s/w mean?  Also, there was a bug in the bootloader, which was recently fixed.  Sorry about that.  It looks like you reflashed with the recent xboot.hex?  Also what deprecated links are you referring to?  I will fix them.




    Hey Riley!

    node s/w — Alden was interested in a tinyg control panel I am building using node.js & html

    I used the most recent xboot.hex as of 14th April. It seems to work. I can’t remember where I found it.

    The link to the deprecated wiki is on

    I am still tracking down what caused the problem I had. Will advise when I work it out.


    Andy 🙂


    I am pretty sure the xboot.hex you had was one that we had a bug in.  Oh cool!  I have some nodejs working right now with TinyG.  NOTHING SPECIAL.  It pretty much can read values.

    I would like to see your work.  Right now my time is really tied up with JavaFX on tgFX.


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