TinyG support for Subroutine calls / O Codes / M98 and M99

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    We are evaluating TinyG Version 7 hardware with 0.94 Firmware version loaded.

    Does the TinyG support GCode subroutine / looping calls ?  Like the O-Codes / M98 and M99 subroutine calls ?

    If not, do we plan to have support for the same? Till when do we plan?

    Kindly educate on this.



    We currently do not support  O codes and M98 / M99 calls. We do not have currently plans to implement these functions. If your application requires these functions we are happy to discuss further. We can be contacted at the synthetos gmail address.




    Just wanted to throw out my interest in having G52/M98/M99 subroutines..
    It would be VERY…VERY…VERY helpful for my application.

    We will be using tinyG to process an “array” of items. Each part in the array gets the same Gcode.

    I would love to just be able to do something like

    G52 X0.000 Y0.000 (Origin of Part 1)
    M98 P1000 (Sub Part 1)
    G52 X2.500 Y0.000 (Origin of Part 2)
    M98 P1000 (Sub Part 2)
    G52 X5.000 Y0.000 (Origin of Part 3)
    M98 P1000 (Sub Part 3)
    O1000 (begin sub 1000)
    ;Do something here for each part in the array
    M99 (end sub)

    I have NO need for any of the looping/conditional/repeat/indirection/calling files linux cnc functions.. Just exactly what I have shown above.


    We have latest TinyG v8 hardware/firmware. Seems like looping of GCODE with G98/P101/L3 is not working. The code below at N3 should invoke O101 subroutine at N6. When runs, O101 is invoked — but its invoked only ONCE even-though I have a L3 param to call it trice.

    Are we doing anything wrong?
    How would we run certain GCODE in a loop for this TinyG version? any example?

    N1 G20
    N2 G00 X0 Y0 Z0
    N3 G98 P101 L3
    N4 G00 X0 Y0 Z0
    N5 %

    N6 O101
    N7 G00 X1
    N8 G00 Y1
    N9 G99
    N10 %


    I don’t see G98 or G99 on the list of supported GCode commands in the wiki:

    There is some “preliminary discussion” here:

    Repetition of code loops might be possible with Chilipeppr macros, or other CAM interface

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