Stalling steppers

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    Well, got my sherline/spectralight mill cutting, using GRBLShield. Very cool!!

    Turns out that (one of) my problem was that the Inkscape Gcode generator was spitting out a frred rate of 400mm/min, which was, well, bad. All of initial by-hand testing had been done with the “default” feedrate of 100mm/min, which was working fine.

    I wrote a littel g-code script that went to an offset, cut a square, and then cut the diagonals of that square, and finally returned (hopefully) to the origin. I changed the feed rate, and tested it out, initially because I was just too friggin’ impacient to wait for the milling to finish at 100mm/min.

    What I found was that up to 300mm/min seemed to work fine for the seeking (although cutting at 300mm/min lost a couple steps), but if I set it to 400mm/min, the steppers just twitched, stalled, hummed, and then did nothing. (Which explains why my initial g-code test was so mangled.)

    Can someone please explain to my what’s happening, and perhaps how to fix it? Do I need to apply more current? I understand that cutting too fast might be a problem, since you could try to move the cutter faster than it actually cuts, but as long as I meet the STEP signal timing, why would the motors stall?


    As mentioned in the other post, you seem to have found the limit of the mechanical system. You can try to see if you can reduce friction in some way. If you have a “standard” mill then see if the ways adjusts are smooth and not binding (obviously they can’t be too loose or you get play). See if the screw and shaft assembly is true and in alignment, and of course the whole thing is well oiled. At the end of the day it’s all about the mechanical system.

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