USB product ID suggection

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    At the moment, the product and vendor IDs for the FTDI chip are the factory default. While it works fine, it might be worth getting a custom product ID from FTDI – it looks like they provide them free of charge. It would make it autodetection a little more reliable. Not high on the list, but something to consider.


    Really good idea. I didn’t know you could register that? Have you done this before? Is its a matter of purchasing “custom” ftdi chips?



    I don’t know much about it, just was reading some of the FTDI spec docs to learn a little more about the USB interface. It appears that the PID and VID can be set in the internal eeprom using USB commands. See bottom of page 34 in It appears that as long as you use the FTDI VID, they will give you a free block of PIDs if you ask nicely. I suspect getting a VID would require going through the USB trade group and paying a lot of money – not really worth it IMO.

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