Error Message Interpretation

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  • #11715
    Chris S

    I’m getting this JSON message from the TinyG and am having difficulty interpreting it.

    {“r”:{“err”:”{\”sr\”:nuG01X197.00Y128.00Z0.00F5000f switch before setting axis zero position”},”f”:[1,111,36,7377]}

    Error code 111 (in the footer) is:

    JSON_SYNTAX_ERROR; JSON input string is not well formed

    Is this message insinuating that this is the command string the TinyG received from me?

    :nuG01X197.00Y128.00Z0.00F5000f switch before setting axis zero position

    Because the command string I actually sent was:




    Is this message insinuating that this is the command string the TinyG received from me?

    I think so, but have not seen this before.
    What are the Gcode commands (3-4 lines) before your G01 ??

    Chris S

    I’m doing some pretty extensive logging, these commands commands preceed G01X197.00Y128.00Z0.00F5000:

    G28.2 X0 Y0 Z0

    I’m using the TinyG more as an industrial motion controller than a CNC machine controller so I’m probably executing a lot of non-standard messaging. In trying to further debug this I looked at the computer serial input buffer I get a massive message dump from the TinyG when the G28.2 completes (the buffer swells to > 3,000 bytes) and I think the TinyG is losing it’s mind when that happens.

    I think I know what’s happening with that message dump and this morning I’m going to make a change that should reduce or eliminate it. I’ll post back here with the results. I can email you the log file if you want but I don’t think I should post it here.


    Chris S

    OK, that seems to have fixed it, no more occurrences on four systems.

    Thank you for your time.

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