Z axis problem

Home Forums gShield grblShield Support Z axis problem

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    I recently dusted off this board (version 5b), upgraded grbl to v1.1 and connected everything to my Zen Toolworks 7X7 CNC. The X and Y axis move normally, but I cannot get the Z axis to move. I plugged the X/Y axis from the gshield to the Z stepper motor and it works. If I plug the Z axis from the board into either the X or Y axis motors, those stop working. Seems to be an issue with the Z axis from the gshield. If I turn up the pot, the motor gets louder without moving. I don’t see anything wrong physically, so I am wondering if my settings may be causing the problem (shown below)? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Grbl 1.1f [‘$’ for help]


    I may have the same problem. I sent this email to customer support and am waiting for a reply. Have you had any luck ?

    Good Morning,
    I hooked up the gShield to the Arduino Due and followed the setup information from this site:

    I have 3 motors and all work on the X and Y controller ports and none work on the Z port. When I enter a command in Chillipeper like G0X1000 the motor turns for almost a second and stops for X and Y, but when I enter G0Z1000 the controller runs endlessly. I start the Z Motor Current pot all the way counter clockwise and slowly turn it clockwise and hear the fan on the power supply increase indicating its drawing more current. I have verified (several times) that the input from the power supply to the gShield is 24.0Volts etc.

    Please advise how to determine if the Z port is bad on this board.

    thank you,
    Bryan Holocker


    I have sent an email to support a day after creating this topic and have yet to hear from anyone. It’s a shame, the gshield is a great board but the lack of support is concerning.

    If you get a response to your email, please post it here in case anyone else is looking for help… I will do the same.


    I have mine working now. I had to go thru all the settings in Chillipepper and create a custom startup script to setup x,y,z mappings and motor settings. for example, my motor 3 was mapped to A axis, not z.

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