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    Anyone have any luck with Synthetos support. I have emailed them several times about sending in a Tinyg for service. I have never heard back from them. A while back I accidently sent the wrong file to it instead of gcode, and now has the spindle_dir light flashing. Anyone?


    Resend your message to https://www.synthetos.com/contact-us/
    I don’t recall seeing it, but I don’t deal with the return aspects so may have deleted my copy.
    It may have been missed by the right folks.


    Thanks, will do.


    You may want to try the Chili Peppr group on google plus. John Laurer, or someone in that group may be able to help. And, potentially save you some trouble.


    Don’t blame you for your frustration. Despite making significant progress on my own, (trial and error), I have not found a source of support. But I have meticulously documented the travel errors between F360, TinyG and ChilliPepper in inches and mm. A crash dump $$ for different machines would be helpful. But the only ones I have found don’t identify the machine adequately and the settings are critical. I feel the weak link is with TinyG which is where the machine parameters must be set. Having to use several documents thru links with inconsistent instructions, nomenclature and references makes the documentation a PITA. I have virtually written my own yet through careful measurement of the results have found (I believe) a mathematical error in TinyG. (Which could be related to how it interprets post processed files, and inadequate descriptive information in F360.) Challenging is a single setting can cause the file to fail to generate gcode. So if you need to create consistent and a variety of parts there is a lot of work ahead of you. Solution: Spend a lot more money on a great machine.


    David, We have 0 emails from you about this issue. Like Carl said send use an email there and we can get you going. See this thread:

    Gaylord, The wiki is open and editing any inconsistencies would be greatly appreciated. Since you have written instructions already it would only be a little work to put them in the right place. Might I ask what you found lacking or wrong in our documentation? If you feel you have found a bug in TinyG you should open and issue on the github. We also accept pull requests if you want to fix the bug yourself.

    Thanks for using TinyG!


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