Connection Issues

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    I have a tinyG that I am using to control a CNC router of my own design.

    I recently started getting some odd behavior when connecting to the computer. I get serial port errors from chilipeppr. When using coolterm, I can connect to the board but any command I send it, there is no reply. Regardless of what I type in the command line I get nothing. If I watch the board while pressing return I can see the Rx LED flash.

    I have reinstalled the VCP drivers
    Replaced USB cable
    reset tinyG board several times

    When I start the JSON server, it says I am connected to COM3 like usual but chilipeppr continually gives me serial port errors. I have rescanned my local subnet and COM3 is found but still cannot connect to it.

    I am racking my brain thinking about this but cannot make sense of it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


    We probably need some specifics on what you a have.
    You talk about COM ports and VCP drivers, so one would assume your host computer is running Windows; what version?

    Has the combination of your current computer, it’s OS and tinyG ever worked?
    You speak of “recent” odd behavior, which I interpret to say it has been working OK until recently.
    An obvious question then might be what has changed?
    Do you recall what FW version “was” working on tinyG? By default most readers here will assume 440.20

    It is likely best to focus on getting the very basic CoolTerm interface working, Chilipeppr and SPJS add significantly to the complexity of what goes on and is unlikely to work if CoolTerm does not.
    For sure be certain that SPJS is not running on your computer when you use CoolTerm or there would be potential resource conflicts

    It would help if you could describe what you define as “I can connect to the board” when using CoolTerm. For example, When you connect CoolTerm, you appear to have a transmit connection to tinyG, the led flashes. If you then hit the reset button, does CoolTerm show any activity?
    tinyG FW, after it boots, sends an autonomous command prompt , something like “mm OK>” to the host.

    Have you tried a different PC?


    Computer is running Windows 8

    This setup worked for about 6 weeks with no problem

    The only recent activity out of the norm is another computer (win 8) was uses to try to connect to the board. This is when the issues began

    FW 440.20

    SPJS is not running when using cool term

    By connecting to the board using coolterm I mean I can click connect and get no errors and the timer begins counting. I am confident no usb cable or hard connections are to blame.

    There are no responses or prompts from the tinyG even after several carriage returns. I have reset the board while connected and I get nothing. But as I said, I believe the board is receiving my commands.

    Also, all of coolterm connection settings are what is detailed on the github tinyg site (i.e. 115200 baud rate, etc.) And what I have used in the past.


    My immediate thought on reading this was that possibly the USB connector on tinyG was somehow compromised mechanically or that the input ftdi device (USB to serial) on tinyG was somehow electrically damaged.

    Here is a link to the tinyGV8 schematics, you could try to check continuity from the input to the USB cable to the pins on the FT230x, particularly in the tinyG output path.

    The tinyG receive path could be receiving garbled pulses, but resetting tinyG should send the prompt message with no input commands upon reboot.

    You could try to bypass the FTDI front end using an offboard USB to Serial converter and connect to J14.

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